Friday, May 10, 2013

WTF: United States Gun Rules

(Source: Peter Gronquist)

Cody Wilson, a University of Texas law student & founder of Defense Distributed, recently released blue prints for the first 3D-printable handgun.  Anyone with an internet connection and access to a 3D printer can make one.

A bit scary, right?  Well, the US State Department demanded that Cody take down the blueprints within one week of posting.

Whew, what a relief... Except, it's still extremely easy to get a real gun.

Geek Event of the Year

(Source: Google I/O site)

Google I/O is coming!  Google I/O is coming!

For all of the non-techies out there, Google I/O is the equivalent of the Superbowl Halftime show, except instead of Beyonce, it's Google Engineers showing off their moves.
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