Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Vanitas Art (i.e, paintings with skulls)

David Bailly, 1651

Have you ever gone to a fine art museum and wondered, "What's with all those skulls?"

Did people decorate their houses with skulls?
Was it a weird funeral tradition in the 1600s?
Was it the beginning of the "goth" movement before Nine Inch Nails hit the scene?

Maybe you're more sophisticated than me or have a degree in art history, but I just figured it out last night. 

This skull art is called "Vanitas" and gets pretty deep...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Girls <> Boys in Media

We've launched a new learning & development program at Google about "unconscious biases" where I learned that a 1% bias against women can lead to major organization stratification (i.e., why CEOs are men).

It's great that Google is training us.  I find it fascinating and have a moderate bias myself.

There is one thing missing from the training -- biases in our business.
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