Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A recent favorite: Lisa Congdon

A few years ago, I bought two prints from 20x200 without knowing much about the artist.

Well, 20x200 shutdown (and is apparently soon coming back to life), and I re-discovered the artist, Lisa Congdon, through the blog, Brain Pickings.

She's way cooler than I knew back then.

Not only did she make the two prints I bought, but she's also worked on these two super cool projects (I've pasted a blurb about each project below).

The Reconstructionists:
"Every Monday in 2013, we'll be publishing an illustrated portrait of one such trailblazing woman, along with a hand-lettered quote that captures her spirit and a short micro-essay about her life and legacy.

The project borrows its title from Anaïs Nin, one of the 52 female icons, who wrote of “woman's role in the reconstruction of the world” in a poetic 1944 diary entry — a sentiment that encapsulates the heart of what this undertaking is about: women who have reconstructed, in ways big and small, famous and infamous, timeless and timely, our understanding of ourselves, the world, and our place in it."

A Collection A Day:

"I came up with a few ideas, but A Collection a Day resonated most. It would be a project that would span exactly one year, from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010. On each of those 365 days, I would post a photograph of one of my own collections or a drawing or painting of an imagined collection on a blog called A Collection a Day. I am an voracious collector and I wanted to share some of my collections with the world."

Here's her blog & some of her work below so you can become a fangirl (or fanboy) too!

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