Thursday, May 16, 2013

5 Tips for Taking Better Photos

(Source: Flak Photo - Looking at the Land)

I lucked out.  

A friend from the Singapore office sold me his Nikon D300 for $400 SGD (about $300 USD).

It was a steal.  I had to buy it.  That's how I got into photography.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Good Read: Gone Girl

(Source: Moon Hoon)

I'm a book snob.

I generally like 3 genres -- depressing, funny or some sort of social criticism.  I get nervous if a book becomes mainstream, especially if it's likely to be sold at the nearest Wal-Mart.

Gone Girl is the new "hit" book, debuting at book clubs around the US.  Its accolades include the NYTimes bestseller list & upcoming cinematization starring Reese Witherspoon.

I finished the book in two days.  It's clever & griping, ping-ponging the reader between two fully-developed narrators.  I have mixed thoughts on the ending, but thoroughly enjoyed the journey. 

Buy it now.
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