Sunday, May 19, 2013

Keeping Singapore Beautiful

(Source: Me)

Singapore is immaculate compared to the rest of the world (especially Southeast Asia).  

Public transport works.  Only 1 in 10 Singaporeans own a car
Crime is one of the lowest in the world.  I can walk home by myself at 2 AM.
Two million trees have been planted on the island.  That's 1 tree for every 2.5 people.
It's illegal to chew gum.  The sidewalks are spotless

During my photography class on Saturday, I documented some of the workers that make this island beautiful.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Found your passion yet?

We're all looking for it.  

You know, that thing that gets you up in the morning.
That itch that you keep scratching.
That thing you can talk incessantly about.

You know, that thing that makes you feel alive.

How can you tell if you've found it?

Watch the video.  If you love something as much as he loves sodas, you've found it.
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