Monday, July 1, 2013

What's dangerous about Rick Perry

(Source: Maryanne Chastaine)

I lived in Texas for almost 2 decades, so I think I'm entitled to comment on the current governor.  The other day, I blogged about Wendy Davis, the woman that's been filibustering Senate Bill 5; the bill would be one of the most conservative abortion laws in the country, limiting abortions in Texas to only 5 locations in the state (as an FYI, it's 696,241 kilometers squared).  

Regardless of your moral view on abortions, this is an underhanded way to effectively reverse Roe vs Wade for the citizens of Texas and would very likely result in illegal, back-alley clinics.

So, lets say you agree with Senate Bill 5.  Why is Rick Perry still dangerous?

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Cool Chicks: Wendy Davis

It's one thing to complain about the war on women's reproduction rights in the US.  

It's another thing to fight it.  That's exactly what Wendy Davis did last night.

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