Sunday, July 14, 2013

Creators & Discoverers

We have a set of posters hanging in our office that taunt me.  They make me feel like a loser.

Thomas Alva Edison, Age 14.  Built his first lab and later a light bulb.
Alexander Graham Bell, Age 18.  Started experimenting with sound, went on to invent the telephone
Ada Lovelace, Age 13.  Fascinated with maths, went on to write the first computer program.
Marie Curie, Age 18.  An interest in physics led to breakthrough cancer treatment.
Louis Braille, Age 16.  Invented an alphabet for the blind.  

Friday, July 12, 2013

My Introduction to Pop Culture

I'll admit it.  I live in my own world - a little "Tamara" world created in my brain.

I don't like: 
- TV (except for Girls, Jon Stewart and Arrested Development)
- Top 40 hits (goodbye Taylor Swift)
- Most movies (you've got to play at Sundance or be super depressing to catch my eye)

I'd choose a good book over People magazine any day, and I don't get the Kardashians.

I sound like a TON of fun, right?

Anyways, I'm on a rotation to the YouTube team, so I've been ramping up my Pop Culture knowledge.  Here's some very popular videos that are news to me.
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