Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Girls <> Boys in Media

We've launched a new learning & development program at Google about "unconscious biases" where I learned that a 1% bias against women can lead to major organization stratification (i.e., why CEOs are men).

It's great that Google is training us.  I find it fascinating and have a moderate bias myself.

There is one thing missing from the training -- biases in our business.

Monday, September 9, 2013

DIY: Making a pinhole camera

After watching the Hunger Games a few weekends ago, I realized how few "practical" skills I have. 

Cooking: I learned how to cut an avocado at age 28.
Hunting: The gun laws in the US scare me (despite being from Texas).
Making Shelter: Does pitching a ready-made tent count?
Working on a Computer: Check.  I can do that.

Fact: I would have been the first to die in Hunger Games.

This weekend, I decided to enhance my practical (or more like "old timey" skill set) by taking a pinhole photography class at Objectifs.  Within hours, I made a working camera out of a shoebox and developed several negatives (of which one vaguely turned out), thanks to my instructor, Mary Ann Teo.

It was a fun activity -- I mean, the stares alone from placing my camera (i.e., box) onto a tripod (i.e., a garbage can) was worth the experience.  I'm now considering turning one of our bathrooms into a DIY darkroom (must ask permission first).

Want to make one for yourself? 
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