Lately, I've been bored by the internet. Let down.
Yes, I know it contains more information than I could ever dream of reading, even if singularity actually happened, and my brain was taken over by robots.
You know why?
Everything seems to be the same (this article explains it well).
My twitter feed looks like the XKCD comic below, and apparently, all paragraphs have vanished and been replaced with lists that read like "15 Facebook couples you should totally block" and "9 photos of Taylor Hanson looking like a celebrity fangirl" (okay, maybe I just need to block Buzzfeed).
Luckily, the internet has been redeemed.
During my recent drought, I stumbled across an awesome Podcast series, Design Matters, by Debbie Millman (archives here & here).
I learned that Dan Pink keeps a design journal where he writes downs examples of good and bad design in order to strengthen his "right brain." He also wrote a career guide in the form of a graphic novel (i.e., a comic) called "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" (it became the first, and likely only, comic to make the BusinessWeek bestseller list). The podcast was FULL of interesting facts, including the size of the self-storage industry in the US ($17B & growing) and the percentage of printed material in Japan that's also a comic (22%).
I also listened to Milton Glaser, the designer of the "I heart NY" logo, contemplate ethics in the brand & design world (something I've becoming increasingly interested in since working with brand clients advertising with Google). I also discovered his manifesto, "The 12 Ways to Designer Hell," which is animated in the video below (yes, I realize it's a list, but it has nothing to do with Taylor Hansen or Facebook couples).
My faith in the internet has now been restored.
Thank you, Design Matters.
Yes, I know it contains more information than I could ever dream of reading, even if singularity actually happened, and my brain was taken over by robots.
You know why?
Everything seems to be the same (this article explains it well).
My twitter feed looks like the XKCD comic below, and apparently, all paragraphs have vanished and been replaced with lists that read like "15 Facebook couples you should totally block" and "9 photos of Taylor Hanson looking like a celebrity fangirl" (okay, maybe I just need to block Buzzfeed).
Luckily, the internet has been redeemed.
During my recent drought, I stumbled across an awesome Podcast series, Design Matters, by Debbie Millman (archives here & here).
I learned that Dan Pink keeps a design journal where he writes downs examples of good and bad design in order to strengthen his "right brain." He also wrote a career guide in the form of a graphic novel (i.e., a comic) called "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko" (it became the first, and likely only, comic to make the BusinessWeek bestseller list). The podcast was FULL of interesting facts, including the size of the self-storage industry in the US ($17B & growing) and the percentage of printed material in Japan that's also a comic (22%).
I also listened to Milton Glaser, the designer of the "I heart NY" logo, contemplate ethics in the brand & design world (something I've becoming increasingly interested in since working with brand clients advertising with Google). I also discovered his manifesto, "The 12 Ways to Designer Hell," which is animated in the video below (yes, I realize it's a list, but it has nothing to do with Taylor Hansen or Facebook couples).
My faith in the internet has now been restored.
Thank you, Design Matters.