Thursday, June 13, 2013

I hate powerpoint

It's true.  I wish it would die.  I think it's a cancer growing in the business world.

Why you may ask?

  1. Creating "PPT decks" is often mistaken for work.  You may get paid for it, but it's not ultimately creating anything. It's simply a means of communication - just like talking or emailing or writing a report.  To this day, I simply can not understand why so many people in the business world get a boner from a nice waterfall chart or a bunch of business jargon (maybe they just need this bot)
  2. They take a lot of time.  Sadly, I've rarely been on the receiving end of a nice, crisp PPT deck -- when I am, they seem fine, even a bit insightful if done well.  On the other hand, I've spent years on the other end.  You know what I've learned from that?  They take a lot of f*ing time (especially ones that become the size of books).  Re-shaping boxes and adding transparencies is not worth anyone's time.
  3. They can be painfully boring.  We've all been there.  The fortunate ones are able to sneak onto their phones or daydream about living in a hut in Goa (maybe that's just me).  The unfortunate ones fall asleep and get caught.

So, what are some good alternatives, you may ask:

  1. Nothing!  Do you bring powerpoint presentations to dinner parties?  to a catch-up with your parents?  to brunch?  (if yes, you need help).  Why the hell do we need them for every discussion at work?
  2. Cool Alternatives.  Prezi is pretty cool.  I'll accept a boner for that
  3. GIF.  Regardless if you like Obama, you have to admit the chart below is pretty awesome.  It makes a point in 5 seconds.  BOOM.
PS - I just wrote boner 2x in the post above.  I never say that word in real life.  Apparently, I'm more crass when writing (news to me).

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