Friday, August 30, 2013

Internet Gem: Dubstep Cat

A little gift for your Friday.  A dubstep cat in honor of Burning Man this week.  

Here's some pics from Burning Man 2011...

10,000+ pageviews

Source: Lisa Wood

As you may know, I've been vomiting my thoughts all over the internet for the last 4 months.

As of last week, I've hit 10,000 page views -- it's nothing compared to legit bloggers, but I'm still happy about it.  Thanks for reading!

From as early as I can remember, I've had an ongoing internal monologue.  I thought it was normal until I started asking others, "do you have an ongoing conversation with yourself.  like, all the time?"  The answer is usually "no" [insert strange look], except for my best friend Jess that was like, "yes, me too."  Ever since then, we've been "kindred spirits."  

Even Alan has a special song he likes to sing when he can tell I'm "all up in my head" (it sounds a bit like a circus song - doo doo dooododo)

This being said, blogging has been a nice cathartic release for my thoughts.  

In Myers Briggs land, I'm a very strong INFPs, which means...

... Our primary mode of living is focused internally, where we deal with things according to how we feel about them, or how they fit into our personal value system.

... Our primary goal is to find meaning and / or purpose in life.  How can the world be a better place? [I'm both very idealistic and cynical at the same time]

... We take each bit of information and process it against our internal value system.  Is this good?  Does this make sense?  Why do I believe that?

... Although not naturally detailed, we will cover every possible detail with rigor when defending a "cause."  We can become perfectionists -- not giving ourselves much credit in the process.

... We also gravitate towards writing, as we are more comfortable describing our opinions and feelings on paper, rather than verbally.

I'd say all these sentences describe me. They help me understand why I'm motivated differently than colleagues and friends.  Some famous INFPs include Louis CK, Andy Warhol, John Lennon, Anais Nin, Tolkien and George Orwell.  I think I'm okay with being in their personality club.

In conclusion, I feel like writing is the perfect outlet for my busy INFP brain.  Thanks for reading, and I look forward to the next 10,000 pageviews in the future :)

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