Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Personal Project

Over the weekend, I listened to the *excellent* podcast, Design Matters, with guest, Brian Singer.  While in art school, Brian became obsessed with bathroom stalls (that sound weird).  Okay, he became obsessed with the things written on bathroom stalls -- the public discourse that took place via sharpie markers.

After graduating, he wanted to make his own mobile "bathroom stall," so in 2000, he used his own money to launch 1000 journals into the orbit.  They've now been to 40 countries and every US state and have taken on a life of their own, which fortunately, has been captured in the documentary accurately named "1000 Journals".

From what I've gathered, a lot of creative people, like Brian, do personal projects, ranging from blogs like the Jealous Curator to calligraphy like the Daily Drop Cap to photography like A Collection a Day.  It's a way to build constraints and routine around a creative exercise.

I love how all these projects started without money in mind.  Instead, they wanted to release their talents in the wild -- into the unknown -- standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon and setting free your creations into the vast beyond.

Don't we all want to experience something like that?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why get off Facebook

I've been off of Facebook for 3 years, but recently (and sadly) had to rejoin for business reasons.  Despite that, I'm managing to steer clear of reading the newsfeed and standby getting off of Facebook.


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