Friday, July 26, 2013

Inspiring: 180 websites in 180 days

I live in a bit of an alternate world where coding skills are valued more than sportz skills.  At Google, engineers are treated like gods.  The rest of us make money to enable those gods to make cool shit.

I'm okay with this.  

I don't have any grand delusions that I'll one day become a Google engineer.  That being said, I've been hemming and hawing the past 2+ years about learning basic programming.  I even forfeited $600 for a Berkeley "Intro to Python class" that I never got around to (I did, however, start dating my "study buddy" for the class, Alan).

All that being said, I've been super inspired by this artist's self-learning journey.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Darker Side of Dove

I've been a big fan of Dove lately -- strongly influenced by their Dove "Real Beauty" campaign (I even blogged about it).  Then, I watched the GreenPeace advertisement from 2008 (above), mimicking the real Dove ad (below).

Dove, like many other products, contains palm-oil.  In fact, Unilever, Dove's parent company, uses the most palm-oil in the world -- 4% of total production.

Is palm-oil that bad?

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