Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Awesome Art Blog: The Jealous Curator

Looking for art inspiration?  Check out The Jealous Curator.

She's an excellent curator of awesome art from around the web.  She's also the author of a new book, Creative Block, which is on my purchase list.

Here's a little from the Jealous Curator:
"There is one moment, in the first few seconds, when you look at a piece of art and know that you love it. It’s the moment when, if you’re an artist yourself, you look at it and feel a rush of uplifting inspiration… and total soul-crushing jealousy all at the same time. It’s when you walk away thinking, “Damn, I wish I thought of that.” 
Happy internet-ing! 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

You Are What You Do

I've been a fan of Jonathan Harris ever since watching his first Ted Talk a few years ago (and blogged about him last year before heading to Bhutan)

He's a true left brain / right brain -- a modern day Da Vinci-type character -- that mixes technology and art together in order to tell beautiful stories.

Today, I listened to his interview with Debbie Millman on Design Matters and discovered his personal essay on "Navigating Stuckness."  In the essay, he documents several transition points along his life journey.

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