Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Live As It Comes

I've been re-reading my favorite book, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and was struck by the quote below:
“There is no means of testing which decision is better, because there is no basis for comparison. We live everything as it comes, without warning, like an actor going on cold. And what can life be worth if the first rehearsal for life is life itself? That is why life is always like a sketch. No, "sketch" is not quite a word, because a sketch is an outline of something, the groundwork for a picture, whereas the sketch that is our life is a sketch for nothing, an outline with no picture.” 
I think we often assume that life is predictable (or maybe we try to make it as predictable as possible via routine to remove anxiety), but in reality, we are living every experience for the first time.  

We are always going in cold.  

Maybe that's why we still make mistakes, have awkward situations and wish we could have "re-dos", despite our age and experience.

Maybe that's why there's a whole movement to live in the present because it's really hard to have an outline when we haven't lived our future yet.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

[Mental Health Break] Honest Slogans

What if slogans told the truth? 

That's what the site Honest Slogans does.  Check out a few of my favorites...

Monday, August 18, 2014

Summer in Germany

During the first week of August, I met up with my parents in Southern Germany and below, is the photographic evident.  We went from Munich up to Rothenberg and then ended our trip in Koln.  It was lovely -- very few things beat Europe in the summer!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Music Video Love

I'm loving this music video this morning ('Circles' by Mammals, an Aussie band).  I think it resonates with my longing for (even more) freedom

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Diner en Blanc

I've been wanting to go to Diner en Blanc since reading this in the New York Times in 2011.  A few weeks ago, I got my chance.  We packed up white chairs, a picnic table and some food to head to a mystery location in Singapore (which turned out to be very beautiful, but not so mysterious).

Here's some photos from the event.  It was lovely and beautiful (but some of the music choices were questionable.  I can't really handle top 40 after living with a hipster for 2 years).

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Making Your Own Path

I'm a sucker for graduation speeches (see here), so of course, I liked this one by Daniel Pink at Northwestern University this year.

His statement below resonated with me:
"The smartest, most interesting, most dynamic, most impactful people... lived to figure it out [...]  This might sound risky -- and, you know what?  It is.  It's really risky.  But the greater risk is to choose false certainty over genuine ambiguity.  The greater risk is to fear failure more than mediocrity.  The greater risk is to pursue a path only because it's the first path you decided to pursue."  
Ambiguity can be really uncomfortable.  Not to dwell into too many personal details, but I've been feeling ungrounded lately.  Not sure of what direction to head next.

Society general believes this state is bad.  We need to have a plan.  Be going "somewhere."  Have something to show for our hard work and "heads down" pursuit of a goal.

That's why listening to Daniel Pink was a breath of fresh air.  I might not have a plan, but as long as I'm not still on my first path, solely because it came first, then maybe I'm doing something right.  At the end of the day, I want to be an interesting person.  That's all. 

Therefore, maybe the right plan to achieve that is to really live.  to do.  to play.  to see.  to try.  to love.  (and all that other good stuff). 

Just got Press

Just got my first bit of press for my new app, TimeAway, from the major tech blog of Asia, appropriately named, "Tech in Asia."

You can check it out here.

I must say, getting press feels very good :)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Flashback from Penang, Malaysia

Sometimes I wonder what Singapore was like 50 years ago before it became the "Zurich of Southeast Asia."  Well, I think Penang, Malaysia is the answer.  I went on a solo trip three weekends ago and finally post-processed my photos.  Check them out.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Google STREET ART Project

I love street art.  

Unfortunately, living in Singapore means I see *very* little of it.  Luckily, Google just launched a new cultural project -- The Google STREET ART project.

I think this might take up a lot of my time today.  Check it out.

PS - I think making my own street art is on my bucket list.  Just need to improve my spray painting skills ;)

Words of Wisdom from Debbie Millman

I'm loving this excerpt from Debbie Millman's book, Look Both Ways.  
No need for me to elaborate.  Just read it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Can you recognize these masterpieces?

This seems like the Lego version of the Google Art Project.  

Can you guess the paintings that inspired the amazing print ads below?

If you're struggling, here's the list:

The series includes Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” (1505-1507), Vincent van Gogh’s “Self Portrait”, Grant Wood’s “American Gothic” (1930), Rene Magritte’s Johannes Le Fils de L’Homme (1964), Vermeer’s “Girl With A Pearl Earring” (1665) and “Lady With an Ermine”, a portrait of Cecilia Gallerani painted by Leonardo da Vinci (1489/1490).

The Personal Project

Over the weekend, I listened to the *excellent* podcast, Design Matters, with guest, Brian Singer.  While in art school, Brian became obsessed with bathroom stalls (that sound weird).  Okay, he became obsessed with the things written on bathroom stalls -- the public discourse that took place via sharpie markers.

After graduating, he wanted to make his own mobile "bathroom stall," so in 2000, he used his own money to launch 1000 journals into the orbit.  They've now been to 40 countries and every US state and have taken on a life of their own, which fortunately, has been captured in the documentary accurately named "1000 Journals".

From what I've gathered, a lot of creative people, like Brian, do personal projects, ranging from blogs like the Jealous Curator to calligraphy like the Daily Drop Cap to photography like A Collection a Day.  It's a way to build constraints and routine around a creative exercise.

I love how all these projects started without money in mind.  Instead, they wanted to release their talents in the wild -- into the unknown -- standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon and setting free your creations into the vast beyond.

Don't we all want to experience something like that?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Why get off Facebook

I've been off of Facebook for 3 years, but recently (and sadly) had to rejoin for business reasons.  Despite that, I'm managing to steer clear of reading the newsfeed and standby getting off of Facebook.


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Boat Life

Singapore can be hot, unwalkable and predictable, but it's also an island with all the wonderful things that come with that.  After brunch today, we went to Mana Mana beach club for some beers and sailing.  I've been promising our friend, Tom, that I'd take photos of his boat for awhile, and I finally made true on my promise.  

Check out some photos this afternoon -- both of scene and the boys sailing.

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